China Top 500 Private Enterprises

Chengli Group's 2020 Award and Commendation Conference was successfully held


Chengli Group's 2020 Award and Commendation Conference was successfully held

On May 12, 2021, the Chengli Automoble Group's 2020 awards and commendation conference, which was not held as scheduled due(the end of 2020) to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, was successfully held in the largest and most influential Country Garden Phoenix Hotel in Suizhou. Nearly a thousand people attended this commendation meeting.

At this commendation meeting, Chengli Group commended the company's "advanced producers (workers)", "model workers", "Chengli craftsmen", "advanced units and individuals in anti-epidemic" and "excellent suppliers". And awarded honorary certificates and bonuses to the units and individuals who won the "Best Sales Organization Award", "Integrity Management Incentive Award", "Business Performance Progress Award", and "Product Development Innovation Award".

At this positive award and commendation conference, the participants were fully informed of the Chengli company’s work achievements in 2020 and  work goals and plans in 2021. Under the example demonstrations of advanced individuals and advanced units, they will work together to achieve the company’s the sales target of RMB 8.5 billion in 2021.

Chengli Group

"Chengli Craftsman" awards and commendation scene

"Model Workers" Award and Commendation Site

"Advanced producers(workerer)" awards and commendation site

"Product Development Innovation Award" awards and commendation scene

"Best Sales Organization Award" awards and commendation scene



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